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Adult Session 4 (March - April)
Actor's Studio: Acting 101
with Charles Holt
This class is designed for adults who want to give acting a try, or revisit the basics in order to improve their technique! Students will participate in lively theatre games and exercises designed to free up the voice and body, stimulate creativity, promote self-confidence, and teach the building blocks of acting.
Actor's Studio: Meisner Acting Technique
with Ruthie Martinez
This is an introduction to the acting technique pioneered by Sanford Meisner. This course is meant to acquaint the student with preliminary Meisner training techniques that will impart a truthful immediacy to acting work. Students will go through a number of Meisner exercises, leading to monologue and scene work. The emphasis is on acting in the moment, playing off one's partner, and trusting your impulses! You should come out of this course with a new perspective on acting technique, and less stage fright!
Actor's Studio: Perfecting Your Monologue
Auditions can be stressful, but they are the primary way actors get cast in productions. This class will give you skills to manage the stress and help you build confidence in performing for an audition. With focus on how to deliver a memorable monologue, participants will walk away with a better understanding of what directors look for in performers and the confidence to know they can give their best audition every time.